After reading all the posts on this topic I was curious as to how much I actually produced this year. Because I also knit and crochet I included also those items.
I counted 12 garments and one Halloween outfit that included a top, vest, pants and hood. I knitted 8 items and crocheted three.
My biggest accomplishment was making my SIL wedding dress, this required a number of muslins before the final dress was made. I learned how to make a FBA (full bust adjustment)and how to fit someone else, I have sewn for my boys and husband but I had never fitted another female body.

I am proud of my crocheted skirt, it is my only crocheted garment so far.
The Tilted Duster I loved from the moment I first saw it and I'm thrilled that I finished it.

I also just finished (in between my son's pneumonia and mine) a quilt top. This is a gift for my brother and SIL, and my goal was to have at least the quilt top done so that they could see it at Christmas. I plan to finish it soon and then I will post a picture.
I loved making two party dresses for myself this year. A vintage Butterick for my brother's wedding and the Burda WOF Duchess dress for a friend's wedding.

My list is modest but I have enjoyed every single item. I am not a fast sewer and I still do a lot of reading when starting most projects. I try to incorporate a new technique in most everything I make. I can say the same for knitting and crocheting. Anyways don't they say that the more you know the more you realize how little you know?