I got a call a couple of days ago from my brother, my nephew needs a lamb outfit for the Christmas pageant, so I innocently asked, when do you need this? of course, the answer is Christmas eve. So I promised a hood and he said they could manage the rest. Okay then...I thought the biggest challenge would be finding the fabric and oh yes, I knew I had a Winnie the Pooh pattern I could modify but where was it? After all my kids are now 12 and 16, it has been a while since I used it.
My neighbor, who sews, calls me to chat while I'm searching my boxes looking for the pattern (it was not with the other patterns). She says she thinks she has a pattern that I can use and she starts looking while we talk. She finds it first so we agree I will pick it up on my way to work so that later on that day I can go looking for fabric.

I used the pattern for the mouse hood and changed the shape of the ears to better look like a lamb.
I walked into Joann's and walked straight to the furry stuff and what do you know but there was the perfect fabric!
So that is my story and I'm satisfied I fulfilled my aunt/godmother duties pretty well. Of course my children think their cousin's dignity is in peril =)
image from Amazon.comThe title of this post was inspired by one of mine, and my kids, favorite books ever,
Sheep in Wolves' Clothing.