I discovered two beautiful coordinating fabrics in my stash a steel blue wool twill and a coordinating tweed. I decided this was the perfect pattern. My job as an interpreter has picked up in frequency and I really need some work oriented things.
I first discovered that the twill had been victim of moths (I had a problem with them a while ago). I thought I could not fit the circle skirt (half circle?) on the fold but I could if I added seam allowances to the back center piece. When I started cutting I realized I could have fitted both on the fold but by now I had convinced myself that I liked my modification which allowed me to put the zipper in the back for ease of fitting. Now I still have enough fabric to make a vest, I'm happy.
The story does not end there...I decided to quickly go to Joann's to pick up some Bemberg for the lining. I took my husband's car after he told me it was fully gassed. After leaving the garage I realized the tank was empty....ok quick trip to the station and I was off.
When I got to Joann's I realized I had left both fliers (from the mail and newspaper) at home...oh well I'll pay full prize but I will also get two Vogue patterns I want, since the newspaper flier said they were $3.99. When I get to the register they come up 40% off and of course I don't have the flier to show them the ad. I leave the patterns, I consoled myself with the fact that after all I did get the most important item. I get home and realize that the 2 yards I bought will not be enough...
My next entry I hope will have pictures of both the skirts (the Patrones and the Simplicity).