Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg
So I'm back from the family vacation in Florida. We had a great time spending two weeks of fun. We had a week of making day trips to St Petersburg and Tampa and spending time with family, and four days at the parks in Orlando.
We were thrilled to be home again but now it is time to catch up with things. This week DH and I are trying to finish getting everything we need for the remodeling of one of the bathrooms, the fun starts on Friday. I also have to start thinking about school supplies...where did the summer go?
I got a chance during vacation to do some knitting. I finished the back of the Square-Bodice Pullover from Interweave Knits Summer 2003. It is my first true lace knitting and it is going slow, when I get confident and stop counting my stitches I end up frogging.

I will be doing only knitting this coming week while the work in the bathroom is being done (family is doing the work and so the sewing room will be a guest room). I do however plan on doing some tracing of patterns and hopefully some cutting. Yesterday I started on Burda WOF 5/2008 121. I am going to eliminate the skirt wrap like Tany and Karen among others have done. I will make mine in a solid red jersey I bought from Kashi a while back.
I leave you with a couple of pictures from our road trip...yes we drove over two days and it wasn't too bad. We got to listen to two Terry Pratchett books, we all like his books and this way we can also have our own book club discussions. Carpe Jugulum was the favorite where we are entertained by the three witches that are regular characters in his books.