Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Burda Style 11/2016 Mod 105

This top caught my attention after seeing versions made by Allison C and Sharon.

Este blusón me llamó la atención cuando se lo ví a  Allison C y Sharon.

Mine was made from a very stretchy rayon knit I bought when I visited Karen last summer. Since the fabric was very stretchy I did not include all the seam openings the pattern called for on the neckline.

El mío lo hice de un tejido que se estiraba de todos lados (de rayon) el cuál compré cuando visité a Karen el verano pasado. No incluí las aperturas alrededor del cuello para evitar que mi tela cogiera mala forma.

I have worn it once and I like it very much. Others say the ties drive them crazy. Time will tell if I get tired of them. By the way I did shortened the ties since they were super long as drafted.

Me lo he puesto una vez nada más y me gusta mucho. Otros dicen que las bandas les molestan. Con tiempo yo ya veré. Y sí acorté mis bandas, pues el patrón las tenía demasiado largas.

1 comment:

  1. Your top looks great and I love that colour. The ties are insanely long as drafted aren't they, I can definitely see they would drive you crazy if you didn't shorten them!


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