Well like every parent with school age children I was looking forward to this week.
It started out very nice, on Monday I spent the school hours at my LYS with friends for a sit and knit.
On Tuesday and Wednesday I worked, the first weeks of school and before I'm always really busy interpreting (think of all the forms to fill out and all the new info teachers need to convey). Before school started during with of my sessions I pulled something in my neck during one of my sessions and now every time I aggravate it I get a headache. So I haven't been able to sew or knit and today was the first day when I have been able to use the computer for more than 5 minutes.
On Thursday morning (5:30 am to be precise) I woke up to my DS being sick. The poor guy spent the morning that way but thankfully by dinner time he had an appetite and was feeling pretty good.
So this morning with no fever and a stuffy nose I sent him to finish his first week in high school. By 7:30 am I was on the phone with said high school, DS had a slight temperature and was nauseous. I get DS 2 up to get him ready for school, ask my husband to take him to the bus stop, get dress and with Clio (the beagle) in the car I head to the school.
So here I am. I would love to do some sewing today since my neck is better but I know that cleaning my house needs to come first. Here is hoping that next week is less exciting...