I have been nominated by Mardel for the Kreativ Blogger award. Now, like Carolyn who graciously nominated every blog that she has ever commented on (Thanks Carolyn!), every time these awards go around and they skip me I say "Oh well, being singled out is not the reason I write". I would have survived omission once more, but how nice to be honored! I remembered Mardel, and her beautiful knitting/sewing creations, from the days when I used to keep up with Stitcher's Guild. These days is all I can do to keep up with all the blogs out there. Thanks Mardel! I'm glad you came out from "lurking".
Most every blog I keep up has been nominated, so forgive me if I don't have 7. Here are the rules.
1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from you received the award.
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers.
4. Link to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated.
Java Jem : I had the pleasure of meeting Jody a while back after I had been reading her blog for a while. She not only knits beautifully, is doing some sewing but she sketches. Take a look at her blog you won't be disappointed, photography is also one of her hobbies and it shows.
Storm Moon Knits: Lindsay dies yarn and how! Her colors are out of this world and the names of her colorways just as creative. She is taking a break now, and we all wait for her return.
Cat Fur Studio: When I first started looking for sewing info on the net it was Barbara's website which inspired me. She creates wonderful stylish garments that continue to inspire me.
El baul de las costureras: Maria Elena's blog like Paco's is full of wonderful tutorials as well as her creations.
Stitches and Seams: Debbie clearly details every step she takes while creating her wardrobe. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and she has many tutorials available.
Coming up a new Burda WOF top.