I am so glad I finally made this pattern! I know this design has been made over and over by the sewing community and no wonder, the best part is the no gap neckline! The last knit wrap dress I made (a Butterick design) was very disappointing; I won't blame it on the pattern, maybe I did something wrong when I made my regular modifications.

The fabric I had been saving for the right pattern. It was the first fabric that Ann from Gorgeous Fabrics sold. This black and white poly/lycra knit came with a border that I used for the collar, cuffs and also for the front facings.

I had 3 yards and I used every scrap;after cutting all my pieces I realized I had forgotten the front facings and all I had left was a piece of the border...I did a faced facing following the instructions in Easy Guide to Sewing Blouses. Basically you sew the fusible to the unfinished edge of the facing (right sides together), turn the fusible to the wrong side and fuse and you get a very neat finish on your facing.

I recently treated myself to my own labels and this is the first garment to get oneI wanted to show how my bodice pattern looks after lengthening. I cut just above the waist (Vogue gives you a lengthening/shortening line) and moved the pieces along the grain line, this gives you a misalignment at the side seam which you need to fill in. The I add the same amount at the same place in the facing and the back. I know that this alteration always scared me when I first started to sew, especially on pieces that have darts or pleats (like in this pattern).

This is not a difficult pattern to sew but it does have a lot of pieces if you choose to do view B. I finished it last night and because is still pretty cold in the Baltimore area I wore it to work today with a cardigan and boots.