The red Burda dress is done, pictures coming soon, so I started to work on a muslin for the above jacket pattern. I have never used this company before so I need to figure out how it fits me. I have always liked this design and I have a beautiful cotton twill from Michael's fabrics which I think will work well with this relaxed fit. Right now I'm thinking to do hand top stitching instead of the binding.
I will keep you updated of the progress.
Parting shot
Winter (After Arcimboldo) by Philip Haas at the National Gallery of Art
Recently I had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery of Art during the week, what a luxury, and I was able to wander and look at my own pace. When I came upon this sculpture of course I had to take a closer look. A special exhibit of Arcimboldo (16th century painter), who is famous for his "portraits" was due to open that weekend.