Monday, September 24, 2012

Progress on the hat

This past week besides being extremely busy, I had a back pain flare up. Quilting is not good for my back so quilting the velvet for the wizards hat was delayed until today, since I'm happy to report the pain is almost gone.

I have used Simplicity 5512 many many times but this is the first time for the wizards hat. Since my son is now over 6 ft I had to modify the hat for size and also he did not want the scrunched tip so I made it shorter.

The picture is terrible but it shows the quilting. For the brim I spaced and cut the velvet before quilting the fabric but I made it work. The brim is quilted with cotton batting, which I had on hand and no backing. The crown has the velvet, batting and a lining.

I have to start painting my bedroom today so I hope that tonight I will be able to continue on the hat.

Here is the inspiration picture again.


  1. Quizá estás preparando Halloween?? Esto tiene una pinta estupenda pero nada es más importante que la salud, así que cuídate mucho.

  2. Oh, you make me feel so guilty! I know I´ll have to sew up two halloween costumes next month, and I probably will in a hurry when the time is closing up on me. Instead you, back pain and all, are making the most beautiful wizzard hat!
    You´re brilliant! Take care

  3. That is an awful lot of quilting! The hat will certainly look fantastic.

  4. OMG what a lot of work with the quilting! It's going to be such a fab hat!
    And you know you've got my sympathy about the back pain! Glad to hear yours is almost gone!!

  5. Omigosh, the wizard's hat is going to look absolutely amazing!!!


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