I can now post about the needle holders (for knitting and crochet) that I made Andrea, since she received them yesterday. The pattern is McCalls 4728 and although I have made it before it seems I never blogged about it, and it seems to be out of print, which it's a shame since it is a really good pattern.
Ahora puedo mostrarles estos estuches que le hice a Andrea. Son perfectos para guardar las agujas de tejer y crochet. El patron, McCalls 4728 parece que lo discontinuaron pues no lo encontré en el website. Y aunque lo he usado muchas veces parece que nunca hablé de él en el blog.
I have made this pattern I think 4 or 5 times now, all for gifts, so I still have my own needles in a plastic bag :-)
Como les dije éste patrón lo he usado 4 o 5 veces siempre para regalar así que yo aún tengo mis agujas en una bolsa plástica. :-)
The fabrics I used were in my stash, as was the ribbon. They both look the same inside.
Las telas ya las tenía y me gustó mucho como combinaron. Los dos rollitos son iguales por dentro.
I also yesterday finished the Burda dress I have been working on (I think Oct 2013 111). It took a little bit of work to make it look good. It is a style out of my comfort zone but I'm looking forward to sharing it with you so stay tuned!
Ayer terminé un vestido de Burda, creo de octubre, numero 111. Me costó el que me quedara como yo quería. Es un estilo distinto para mí así que quiero ensenarselos para que me digan que piensan.
See you all next year! All the best!
¡Nos vemos el año que viene! ¡Muchas cosas buenas para todos!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
A different kind of post - It Cosmetics
In my search for face products (moisturizers, foundation, concealers, etc) to smooth out the imperfections of my "lady of a certain age" skin, I came across the company It Cosmetics. You can read about the company here, I liked their philosophy plus the fact that they make products with anti-aging benefits. I figure that at least they would be moisturizing and in the winter my skin really benefits from extra moisture.
I ordered two products, a few weeks ago when they were having a really good sale, the foundation Your Skin but Better CC cream and the under eye concealer Bye Bye Under Eye Anti-aging Concealer.
The foundation/cc cream I applied after my regular moisturizer. It gives really good coverage for my broken capillaries and some dark spots and I thought that it did a good job of not emphasizing my pores. I really loved the concealer! Very creamy and very smooth to apply.
The pictures that follow were taken in the morning when the bags under my eyes are at their worst.
Now for full disclosure here are all the products on my face. I forgot to include the mascara.
I set the concealer with Bare Minerals Multi Tasking Bisque in Summer Bisque and I also used it where I have broken capillaries. I have found that this product works really well in those areas. I gave my T zone a light dusting of Bare Minerals Mineral Veil, a sample from Sephora.
Both products held up very well throughout the day
I'm not expecting perfection but I'm pretty happy with these products and I plan to look into others from this line. I bought these products, I'm not sponsored in any way by the company :-) All the pictures were taken without filters and were not touched up after the fact.
I ordered two products, a few weeks ago when they were having a really good sale, the foundation Your Skin but Better CC cream and the under eye concealer Bye Bye Under Eye Anti-aging Concealer.
The foundation/cc cream I applied after my regular moisturizer. It gives really good coverage for my broken capillaries and some dark spots and I thought that it did a good job of not emphasizing my pores. I really loved the concealer! Very creamy and very smooth to apply.
The pictures that follow were taken in the morning when the bags under my eyes are at their worst.
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outdoor |
Now for full disclosure here are all the products on my face. I forgot to include the mascara.
I set the concealer with Bare Minerals Multi Tasking Bisque in Summer Bisque and I also used it where I have broken capillaries. I have found that this product works really well in those areas. I gave my T zone a light dusting of Bare Minerals Mineral Veil, a sample from Sephora.
Both products held up very well throughout the day
I'm not expecting perfection but I'm pretty happy with these products and I plan to look into others from this line. I bought these products, I'm not sponsored in any way by the company :-) All the pictures were taken without filters and were not touched up after the fact.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
I just finished grading the last batch of exams for the semester so I expect to do some sewing for me. I have a dress cut and ready to start sewing but the holidays and grading exams has kept me away.
Acabo de terminar de marcar el último grupo de exámenes del semestre así que espero poder coser para mí. Tengo un vestido cortado y listo para coser pero las fiestas y el marcar exámenes no me han permitido continuar.
I did want to share with you this photograph.
Quería compartir ésta foto con udstedes.
It was taken by the photographer at school, a professional photographer who volunteers her time and art to the theater dept. As you all know what the work we do with our hands means to us, you can imagine how special this picture is for me.
La tomó un fotógrafo profesional que dona su tiempo y arte al departamento de teatro de la escuela. Se pueden imaginar lo que la foto significa para mí, considerando lo mucho que nosotros apreciamos lo que podemos hacer con nuestras manos.
See you soon!
¡Nos vemos pronto!
Acabo de terminar de marcar el último grupo de exámenes del semestre así que espero poder coser para mí. Tengo un vestido cortado y listo para coser pero las fiestas y el marcar exámenes no me han permitido continuar.
I did want to share with you this photograph.
Quería compartir ésta foto con udstedes.
It was taken by the photographer at school, a professional photographer who volunteers her time and art to the theater dept. As you all know what the work we do with our hands means to us, you can imagine how special this picture is for me.
La tomó un fotógrafo profesional que dona su tiempo y arte al departamento de teatro de la escuela. Se pueden imaginar lo que la foto significa para mí, considerando lo mucho que nosotros apreciamos lo que podemos hacer con nuestras manos.
See you soon!
¡Nos vemos pronto!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Sandra Knit Trends Tunic
I finally got to wear this tunic which I finished a while ago. It is from the Sandra Knit Trends Magazine Issue No 8.
Por fin me pude extrenar ésta túnica que terminé hace rato. Es de la revista Sandra Knit Trends No 8.
I love that I was able to use a number of skeins that were leftover from other projects.
Me encantó el poder usar varias bolas de hilo que me habían quedado de varios proyectos.
This is not a figure enhancing garment, but I like it :-)
Este modelo cubre las curvas pero de todas maneras me gusta :-)
It was an easy to remember lace pattern with no shaping, so kind of like knitting a blanket. I forgot to take a picture of the back, but it looks the same as the front.
El punto de encaje que se usa fué fácil de aprendérselo y como no hay que disminuir o aumentar, era como el tejer una frazada. Se me olvidó tomar foto por atrás pero es igualita por delante y atrás
I traced my next project from Burda Style but I'll leave the details for another post.
Ya calqué el próximo proyecto de la revista Burda, pero ya les contaré en el próximo "post".
Por fin me pude extrenar ésta túnica que terminé hace rato. Es de la revista Sandra Knit Trends No 8.
I love that I was able to use a number of skeins that were leftover from other projects.
Me encantó el poder usar varias bolas de hilo que me habían quedado de varios proyectos.
This is not a figure enhancing garment, but I like it :-)
Este modelo cubre las curvas pero de todas maneras me gusta :-)
It was an easy to remember lace pattern with no shaping, so kind of like knitting a blanket. I forgot to take a picture of the back, but it looks the same as the front.
El punto de encaje que se usa fué fácil de aprendérselo y como no hay que disminuir o aumentar, era como el tejer una frazada. Se me olvidó tomar foto por atrás pero es igualita por delante y atrás
I traced my next project from Burda Style but I'll leave the details for another post.
Ya calqué el próximo proyecto de la revista Burda, pero ya les contaré en el próximo "post".
Friday, November 01, 2013
A few small finished (or almost finished) projects
Todo lo que planeaba para Halloween no se realizó, se me acabó el tiempo. A mi hijo le hice una túnica y una máscara que le viniera bien a su capa estilo medieval. La capa la hice anteriormente.
For my husband I also made a tunic, cheetah print, for him to wear when volunteering at a Halloween zoo event last weekend. The rest of the outfit he had from many Halloweens ago, he decorated the shoes and did his own makeup. I only helped with the hair.
A mi esposo también le hice una túnica con estampado de chita pues se disfrazó para un evento en el zoológico el fin de semana pasado. Todo lo demás lo tenía de hace muchos años, bueno los zapatos sí los compró y los pintó. El se maquilló, yo sólo lo ayude con el pelo.
For both tunics I used a Simplicity tunic pattern, from a biblical pattern collection, basic as can be.
Las dos túnicas, super sencillas, son del mismo patrón de Simplicity, una colección biblica.
The bubble skirt is for theater. I am turning a simple sequin shift into a bubble dress 80s style. I asked for help on Facebook on how to make it, and several ladies came to the rescue, thank you!. I used no pattern; a lining where the outer gathered at the hem and waistline piece (twice the width of the lining) is attached. I like how it came out, a lot of poof since it is a poly taffeta. I will show you the finished project when is done.
La salla estilo globo es para el teatro. Voy a convertir un simple vestido de lentejuelas a vestido de fiesta estilo de los años ochenta. Le pedí ayuda al grupo de costura de Facebook y gracias a ellas me dí cuenta de la construcción y la pude hacer sin patrón. La tela de afuera, que es dos veces más ancha que el forro se frunce arriba y abajo y se pega al forro. Me gusta como quedó, usé taffeta de polyester. Ahora tengo que pegarla al vestido, compartiré una foto cuando termine.
Enjoy your weekend!
¡Disfruten del fin de semana!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Burda denim shirtdress
Hellooo! Here is the only picture I managed to take of the Burda June issue dress (120), the first time I wore it. I realized after wearing it that day that it could use some more shaping. It was rather roomy in the chest and the back look shapeless. I have since taken in the back darts and taken in the side seams in the chest area.
Holaaa! Aquí está la única foto que tomé cuando me puse el vestido (Burda Junio #120)la primera vez. Noté que me quedaba grande en el pecho y por la espalda, así que recogí las costuras en el costado en el area del pecho y aumenté las pinzas en la espalda. ¡Ahora me quedó bien!
If you notice that my neckline is different from the original is because I eliminated the facings and therefore I cannot fold back the neckline. To tell you the truth I did not think of that, oops!
Si se fijan verán que mi cuello se vé distinto del modelo pues cuando eliminé las vistas no se me ocurrió que no iba a poder abrir el cuello. Bueno, como dice mi mamá "eso pasa en las mejores familias"
I'm in the middle of Halloween sewing but nothing exciting to share. Hope to do more sewing for me soon, lots of inspiration in my head!
Estoy cosiendo para Halloween pero no tengo nada que valga la pena compartir todavia. Pronto volveré a coser para mí pues estoy inspirada.
I finished the tunic I was knitting but it has been too hot to wear, but I'm not complaining...
Terminé la túnica que estaba tejiendo pero ha hecho calor así que no me la he extrenado.
Holaaa! Aquí está la única foto que tomé cuando me puse el vestido (Burda Junio #120)la primera vez. Noté que me quedaba grande en el pecho y por la espalda, así que recogí las costuras en el costado en el area del pecho y aumenté las pinzas en la espalda. ¡Ahora me quedó bien!
If you notice that my neckline is different from the original is because I eliminated the facings and therefore I cannot fold back the neckline. To tell you the truth I did not think of that, oops!
Si se fijan verán que mi cuello se vé distinto del modelo pues cuando eliminé las vistas no se me ocurrió que no iba a poder abrir el cuello. Bueno, como dice mi mamá "eso pasa en las mejores familias"
I'm in the middle of Halloween sewing but nothing exciting to share. Hope to do more sewing for me soon, lots of inspiration in my head!
Estoy cosiendo para Halloween pero no tengo nada que valga la pena compartir todavia. Pronto volveré a coser para mí pues estoy inspirada.
I finished the tunic I was knitting but it has been too hot to wear, but I'm not complaining...
Terminé la túnica que estaba tejiendo pero ha hecho calor así que no me la he extrenado.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Checking in with the Burda Style shirtdress progress
I wanted to show you that while my progress has been slow, I did finish the collar (Burda Style June #120)
Quería ensenarles el poquito de progreso que he hecho en el vestido (Burda Junio #120), terminé el cuello!
Love the shaping that the collar stand gives!
Me encanta la forma que tienen los cuellos de dos piezas.
Soon I will be working with my son's high school fall production team. This time it is a small production I think there will be more styling and alterations than actual sewing, which it's okay with me since that will allow me to make Halloween costume pieces for my husband and sons who already have put in their requests ;-)
Pronto vuelvo a trabajar con la maestra de teatro en la produccion del otono. La obra es sencilla, solo 10 en escena, asi que me dara tiempo para trabajar en los disfraces que mi esposo e hijos me han pedido para Halloween.
Nota: Blogger me esta dando problemas cuando trato de incluir acentos, tengo que ver cual es la mejor forma de escribir en espanol e ingles. Si tienen consejos son bienvenidos!
Quería ensenarles el poquito de progreso que he hecho en el vestido (Burda Junio #120), terminé el cuello!
Love the shaping that the collar stand gives!
Me encanta la forma que tienen los cuellos de dos piezas.
Soon I will be working with my son's high school fall production team. This time it is a small production I think there will be more styling and alterations than actual sewing, which it's okay with me since that will allow me to make Halloween costume pieces for my husband and sons who already have put in their requests ;-)
Pronto vuelvo a trabajar con la maestra de teatro en la produccion del otono. La obra es sencilla, solo 10 en escena, asi que me dara tiempo para trabajar en los disfraces que mi esposo e hijos me han pedido para Halloween.
Nota: Blogger me esta dando problemas cuando trato de incluir acentos, tengo que ver cual es la mejor forma de escribir en espanol e ingles. Si tienen consejos son bienvenidos!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
I've been knitting
I wanted an easy knit for summer and hopefully a pattern where I could use several skeins that I had leftover from previous summer knits.
Quería un proyecto de tejido fácil para el verano y la oportunidad de usar bolas que me habían sobrado de otros proyectos veraniegos.
When I saw this pattern in Sandra Knit Trends, No 8 (not in the Ravelry database yet) I thought it might work. It is just a square piece, front and back, and an easy to memorize pattern (4 row repeat). I used all the colors I had that I thought would look good together and the proportions are done according to how much yarn of each I had as well as to achieve a pleasing balance =).
Cuando vi este patrón en Sandra Knit Trends, No 8 (aún no está en Ravelry) pensé que podría usarlo. Es solo dos rectángulos, en un punto fácil de aprenderse de memoria (se repiten 4 hileras). Usé todas las bolas que pensé se vieran bonitas juntas y agregué más rayas al diseno, en una combinación que me gustó.
I'm done with one piece and just started with the other. I think I will get it done to wear as a layering piece in the cooler months ahead.
Ya terminé una pieza y empezé la otra. Espero terminar el proyecto en tiempo para usarlo en los meses más frescos.
My family, enjoying some summer fun.
Mi familia disfrutando el verano.
Quería un proyecto de tejido fácil para el verano y la oportunidad de usar bolas que me habían sobrado de otros proyectos veraniegos.
When I saw this pattern in Sandra Knit Trends, No 8 (not in the Ravelry database yet) I thought it might work. It is just a square piece, front and back, and an easy to memorize pattern (4 row repeat). I used all the colors I had that I thought would look good together and the proportions are done according to how much yarn of each I had as well as to achieve a pleasing balance =).
Cuando vi este patrón en Sandra Knit Trends, No 8 (aún no está en Ravelry) pensé que podría usarlo. Es solo dos rectángulos, en un punto fácil de aprenderse de memoria (se repiten 4 hileras). Usé todas las bolas que pensé se vieran bonitas juntas y agregué más rayas al diseno, en una combinación que me gustó.
I'm done with one piece and just started with the other. I think I will get it done to wear as a layering piece in the cooler months ahead.
Ya terminé una pieza y empezé la otra. Espero terminar el proyecto en tiempo para usarlo en los meses más frescos.
My family, enjoying some summer fun.
Mi familia disfrutando el verano.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Making hems extra pretty
Since the denim shirtdress I'm working on called to make bias binding to finish the top edge of the pockets, I went ahead and made extra to use on the hems (skirt and sleeves). I know it takes extra time but I love the way it looks.
Como el patrón pedía tiras al bies para terminar el borde del bolsillo, decidí también terminar los dobladillos de la falda y las mangas. Ya sé, más trabajo, pero que lindo se vé!
To handle the curve on the pockets I ran a basting stitch on the seamline around the curve and pulled on the bobbin thread until I had the desired curve, perfect!
Para que la curva del bolsillo me quedara bonita, cosí una linea de puntos largos con la máquina y halé el hilo de la bobina (¿así se dice "bobbin"?) hasta que el borde se curvó como yo quería y perfecto!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
A denim shirtdress
Hello everyone!
Continuing with Burda Style June, this one is 120, I just cut a lightweight denim that I bought during PR weekend in NYC a couple of years ago.
I was on vacation last week and it seems my days in the summer are full and I have less time for sewing. I'm hoping to be productive the rest of the summer but this is a hobby and sometimes other things take priority.
That said I am really looking forward to sewing this one and wearing it soon!
Continuing with Burda Style June, this one is 120, I just cut a lightweight denim that I bought during PR weekend in NYC a couple of years ago.
I was on vacation last week and it seems my days in the summer are full and I have less time for sewing. I'm hoping to be productive the rest of the summer but this is a hobby and sometimes other things take priority.
That said I am really looking forward to sewing this one and wearing it soon!
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Burda Style June 2013 Blouse 118
I got to wear the finished blouse today when my sons and I took my mom to lunch to celebrate her 82nd birthday. I am so blessed to have her, besides the arthritis, in good health.
I did not do buttonholes on the very narrow sleeve band. I added a snap and sew the button on =)
I'm pretty happy with how the buttonholes turned out.

The fabric is a cotton batiste from Metro Textiles which I bought on my trip to NYC during PR weekend a couple of years ago and it was a very easy fabric to work with. I made french seams because of the sheerness of the material, it is such a nice finish.
The skirt is Vogue 1247 which I made last summer and gets a lot of love from me.
The pictures are showing a bit of wrinkling in the sleeve head but there are truly none, I don't know why it showed that way.
This a great basic, I can also see wearing it layered over a tank top. I am now working in the shirt dress which uses this same pattern but adds vertical darts to the front and back, with short sleeves.
I did not do buttonholes on the very narrow sleeve band. I added a snap and sew the button on =)
I'm pretty happy with how the buttonholes turned out.

The fabric is a cotton batiste from Metro Textiles which I bought on my trip to NYC during PR weekend a couple of years ago and it was a very easy fabric to work with. I made french seams because of the sheerness of the material, it is such a nice finish.
The skirt is Vogue 1247 which I made last summer and gets a lot of love from me.
The pictures are showing a bit of wrinkling in the sleeve head but there are truly none, I don't know why it showed that way.
This a great basic, I can also see wearing it layered over a tank top. I am now working in the shirt dress which uses this same pattern but adds vertical darts to the front and back, with short sleeves.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Burda 6-2013 Top 118, Modifying facings
I was surprised to find shaped facings in this pattern since the blouse I made not that long ago had the self facing used by RTW. Since my fabric is lightweight/sheer I did not want a big old facing on the front so I referred to Claire Shaeffer's High Fashion Sewing Secrets from the World's Best Designers,
which explains how to add a self facing. In my case I already had a huge floppy facing =) so I cut it down according to her guidelines. Basically you need to figure out the width of your button band and add enough fabric twice to be able to fold it twice on itself. This is a wonderful book one that I refer to often.
Here is the pattern and how my blouse facing now looks after chopping off the facing.
Hope this is useful!
which explains how to add a self facing. In my case I already had a huge floppy facing =) so I cut it down according to her guidelines. Basically you need to figure out the width of your button band and add enough fabric twice to be able to fold it twice on itself. This is a wonderful book one that I refer to often.
Here is the pattern and how my blouse facing now looks after chopping off the facing.
Hope this is useful!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
June Burda Fashion
I finally got to look at the newest issue and I have been trying to trace 3 patterns. One is for two patterns a blouse and a dress and the other is for a jacket.
I'm tracing Blouse 118, Dress 120 and jacket 123
What I want to know how if I'm done teaching (still doing some interpreting) it seems I have less time than before? I have been trying to finish tracing, which with the new format is pretty horrendous, for about a week. I have fabrics picked out for every design so I'm very excited to start sewing!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend and celebrating with the dads in your life!
I'm tracing Blouse 118, Dress 120 and jacket 123
What I want to know how if I'm done teaching (still doing some interpreting) it seems I have less time than before? I have been trying to finish tracing, which with the new format is pretty horrendous, for about a week. I have fabrics picked out for every design so I'm very excited to start sewing!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend and celebrating with the dads in your life!
Monday, June 03, 2013
Burda 7866
Here is the top I showed you a preview of in my last post after I took it in in the lower band. This pattern has more ease than I'm used to in Burda patterns; of course better to have too much than the opposite =O . I like how it looks with the lower bodice piece hugging the body. In the pictures below I don't know if you can see the looser initial fit, but I can feel a difference when I wear it.
In this last picture I wanted to show you the pretty bell sleeves.
This pattern was a gift from Andrea two years ago, I finally made it Andrea! I love the boat neck because it does not show underwear straps. I will not be able to wear it in the hot summer, the knit I used is a poly. I can only wear sleeveless garments made out of polyester in the summer. I do love this print which I purchased at Kashi's during PR weekend in NYC. I have enough left to make a simple summer dress.
In this last picture I wanted to show you the pretty bell sleeves.
This pattern was a gift from Andrea two years ago, I finally made it Andrea! I love the boat neck because it does not show underwear straps. I will not be able to wear it in the hot summer, the knit I used is a poly. I can only wear sleeveless garments made out of polyester in the summer. I do love this print which I purchased at Kashi's during PR weekend in NYC. I have enough left to make a simple summer dress.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Vogue 2011 skirt

This was a very simple to sew skirt. the most difficult part if you can call it that was the narrow hem but really you just need to take your time to not stretch the edges on the bias.
My version is not as drapey as the envelope picture so my skirt has a definite A-line shape. I will like to try it with a drapier fabric and I will also like to make the wrap maxi included in the pattern.
If you want to try this uneven hemline trend I recommend this pattern. It had excellent instructions and great fit.
Here is a peek of the next pattern (Burda) I will review. I made it to wear with this skirt but then I wasn't sure if I like them together. I think what I need to fix is the ease of the lower piece on the top, for some reason it came out with too much ease and made the top look wonky. The top I did wear in these pictures is from Target =)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
There's sewing going on!
I have had this pattern for a very long time. I couldn't find a date on it but it is so old that pictures on PR do not show and I think most of them were for the top. I am making the skirt view D in a very springy color; a poly crepe that came from my mom's stash from a store in NJ we loved but has disappeared. So old pattern, even older fabric =)
I love all pieces in this pattern and since the high low trend is going on now I decided to go for it and make view D.
I hope to finish it today and photograph it tomorrow. Of course I also have a cellar full of laundry...but hey I'll make it work!
I love all pieces in this pattern and since the high low trend is going on now I decided to go for it and make view D.
I hope to finish it today and photograph it tomorrow. Of course I also have a cellar full of laundry...but hey I'll make it work!
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